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NURTURE is for the women who are so often nurturing - the mothers, the caregivers, the ones who have a natural tendency to put others first - and are starting to notice the cost of pouring from an empty cup.

Being so highly attuned to everyone else’s needs, you sometimes lose sight of your own, feeling disconnected or hesitant to express your desires, fearing conflict or losing the gentle nature that defines you.

Through NURTURE you will reconnect to your most confident, authentic self, cultivate your personal power, and a renewed sense of purpose. You’ll find new ways to approach relationships with family, romantic partners, friends and co-workers, that are loving and serve both you, and them.

Together, we will work through The Spiral process, guiding you to your own inner wisdom, creative expression, and the vision you hold for your life.

10 WEEKS | ONLINE 1:1 + weekly audio and workbook + text support between sessions as needed

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The NURTURE Journey

Nurture has been created for women who manage to juggle it all, pouring themselves into their families, work and relationships.

You give with love but are often feeling overwhelmed, anxious and disconnected from who you really are, forgetting your passions. Sometimes you feel uncertain of your purpose beyond motherhood or your career.

Over the course of 10 weeks, Nurture will help you reclaim your sense of self, reconnect with your body’s wisdom, and trust yourself on a deeper level. Imagine moving through life with a calm confidence, knowing you can handle anything that is thrown at you, while creating the life you truly desire with what lands in your hands.

What to Expect

In Nurture, you’ll experience 10 weekly 1:1 online sessions, guided by me, Ronni Smith, qualified Spiral Practitioner and therapist. Each week, you’ll receive a specially created audio lesson and workbook designed to support your growth, so you’re nurtured through the process.

In Nurture, we cover essential themes such as:

  • Understanding and working with your emotions,

  • Developing self-worth and self love, to stop people pleasing and over-giving or self-sacrificing

  • Feeling calm, strong and grounded as you move through challenges, triggers and conflict

  • The depth and power of your desires to guide you

  • Weaving intention and devotion into your daily rituals and habits to change the trajectory of your life

  • Discerning between your intuition and trauma responses, and

  • How to bring the future you want into reality sooner.

Through 10 nurturing ONE to ONE online sessions with me, you’ll be expertly guided through the Spiral process. Together we will locate and release emotional blocks so you can finally let go of subconscious limitations that are holding you back from having the joy and fulfilment that you know are possible for you.

Within weeks you’ll find you are easily leaving behind feelings of anxiety, shame or feelings of not being good enough, and will begin to feel a more confident, calm, healthy and happy self emerge. 

NURTURE is for you if…

You have been trying to make changes, but keep coming up against resistance. You might have noticed unhelpful thoughts, patterns, self-limiting beliefs or self sabotaging. You’re likely feeling impatient with your progress, frustrated or stuck in a situation you can’t seem to find a way out of.

Through the 10 week Nurture program you will

  • Feel increased levels of self-worth and self-love

  • Nurture yourself and feel safe to open to new possibilities

  • Heal past experiences, transforming them into future opportunities

  • Speak your true thoughts and feelings with confidence

  • Trust in your intuition and your body’s wisdom

  • Align your choices with your vision and purpose

  • Feel capable of creating real, lasting change in your life.

What to expect during the NURTURE journey

Nurture offers a deeply transformative experience, guiding you through your own unique journey to release conditioning and old, outdated ways to reveal a truer Self.

Each week you’ll have a one-to-one session with me, where we will be exploring the weekly themes below. You’ll also receive an email after each session with your unique integration activities, audios and a workbook - all designed to provide you with practices and rituals to nurture you through this journey and beyond.

Weekly Themes

  1. The Power of Intention

  2. Self Worth and the nervous system

  3. Creativity and Desire

  4. Power - influence and exerting your will

  5. Love - opening your heart

  6. Authenticity & Communication

  7. Intuition & trusting your vision

  8. Life Purpose and Intentional Living

  9. Integration - embodying your new awareness

  10. Manifestation - Bring new possibilities into your reality

If you’re ready to make significant and tangible change in your life, and embrace the next-level, evolved version of yourself NOW, the NURTURE journey lead you to:

  • Heightened emotional awareness & releasing of emotional blocks

  • Self-sabotage, procrastination and negative habits falling away

  • Creating with ease and joy

  • Increased willpower and ease in taking inspired actions

  • Radiant self love and easy access to joy in everyday moments

  • Greater confidence in relationships

  • Trust in your intuition to guide you

  • A greater sense of calm and acceptance

NURTURE package details

What’s Included:

  • 10 weeks of intensive, guided inner-work to let go of limiting thoughts, habits and patterns of behaviour

  • 10 x 1:1 sessions (approximately 75 minutes) including the 7 levels of The Spiral

  • Weekly audio download and PDF workbook with supportive practices to NURTURE your continual growth - these are provided by email after each individual session

  • Access to 1:1 text or voice support as needed, with coaching, positive reinforcement and reminders of your personal intentions throughout


Online via Zoom, and Voxer or Telegram for voice/text support


  • Total package price - $3499

  • Flexible options available with instalment plans - $1200 x 3 Monthly Payments, or $1000 deposit and $280 x 10 weekly payments

Ready to begin?

If you’re ready to begin this journey of self-discovery and transformation, book a connection call to explore if we are well suited to do this work together. This 15-minute consultation will allow us to ensure that my approach and The Spiral process are aligned with your needs.

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What others are saying about Nurture:

“I feel more rested and have more energy - evidenced by not falling asleep or needing naps, but being able to use my time to do things I love - like reading and connecting with people.”

- Elise (after week 2)

“Firstly thank-you so much for your time in helping me on my journey. I am so grateful to have met you (albeit online but hopefully one day in person) and been able to connect with you.

You have given me so much knowledge I honestly feel like I am getting to know a new version of myself.I have had so many insights that have come up when I’m least expecting them. Going into this nurture program I really had no idea what to expect what I’d come out like but I honestly think it’s more than I had hoped for.

To anyone who’s thinking of joining I would say - anyone would benefit from this program. Ronni’s plethora of knowledge and nurturing soul is sure to guide you into a better version of yourself!

I have also really enjoyed the group dynamic with the group calls and well and 1 on 1 session each week. It gives a feeling of ‘you are not walking this alone’.

Going into this journey I was having symptoms of agoraphobia (post lockdown in Melbourne) and nervous each time I left the house.I am now able to leave the house without even thinking or feeling uneasy. I also feel like I have now found a purpose beyond being a Mother.

The whole program has been nothing short of magic
Thanks again, Lots of love xxx”

- Kat

“Wow! Willpower. I’ve just got cracking on some boring tasks - one that has been sitting there for almost a year! Stopped making excuses and just tackled these things head on. It didn’t take long really. Felt good to get them done and clear my list. So much space now.

I’ve had lots of opportunities to discuss boundaries with other people too (in regards to them setting them for others). I communicated clearly and gave clear examples specific to their situation. Felt good to empower them to have those discussions AND I feel empowered to set some boundaries with a particular person soon! I realise just how important my own personal boundaries with myself are as well, like going to bed on time!”

- Nurture participant, after week 4

“Working with Ronni felt like everything that was happening in my life was building up each week to the topics we would then clear each session. It was uncanny.

Ronni is compassionate, open, funny. I felt so safe and held strongly accountable at the same time.

I now have a clear direction, mindset and motivation for my life moving forward.

I've set many goals that I'm passionate about working and moving towards. I feel confident in my ability to achieve these goals and simply to make the decisions that gives me control in my own life.

The Spiral for me was so impactful in a subtle way consciously, however dramatically impacting on my behaviour and relationship to myself and the world.

Thank you so much Ronni, you've freed me to create my life.”

- Leela

“I’m completely changing the dynamic in my workplace. I can’t believe that I was in meetings on track to get sacked just a couple of weeks ago, and now my work is being noticed, respected and I’m even being asked for advice and managers talking about other opportunities for me. It’s so weird. I haven’t done anything differently, but I do feel more confident and I am noticing in conversations, I’m just a lot more clear about yes or no and not trying to say what I think is going to appease them.

I’m also not holding onto that relationship anymore. I realise I DO deserve better and I don’t want to be with someone who is treating me like that. It was like I was addicted and convincing myself it was ok. It wasn’t and now I feel free.

I didn’t realise how much was holding me back, and how stuck I really was. I feel like so much is possible for me now, I know what I want, and I am confident I am going to make it happen.”

- Nurture Participant, after week 3

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