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Pick up the beautiful threads of your dreams and honour your soul’s deeper knowing as you creatively weave these dreams into the reality of your life, now.


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Hello Dream Weaver, 

Do you hear the whispers of your soul, calling you? 

Do your visions light up the dark when you close your eyes?

Do you feel your burning desires, though they’re expertly tamed now, like embers still alight within you...?

You do, don’t you?

But you feel like you don’t have enough time anymore to sit and listen, to dance in the vision or tend to the flames of your passions. 

There are the practicalities of ‘real life’ that take you away. Family obligations. Bills to pay. Kids to care for. 

And your belief in your dreams has faded too.

But they’re still there. Your dreams haven’t given up on you.

You notice the feeling that there’s meant to be more to life, that you were meant for more, but you keep trying to just get on with it.

Maybe those dreams you held for so long no longer feel true, and they no longer stand like a lighthouse guiding your way.

Perhaps it’s time to let them go, so new truer visions for your life can lead you now.

Either way, you don’t want to keep holding yourself back from your true desires, from breathing life into the beautiful visions you have for your future.

Listen to those sweet callings from your soul.

If you’re ready beautiful woman, Dream Weaver is for you.

Rediscover the passion within you, that lights you up.

Whether it’s dreams of travelling, a dream wedding, running your own business, building your dream home, following your artistic calling, or pursuing a more fulfilling career path, you are ready to move out of the mundane and bring more magic into your life.

In DREAM WEAVER we are going back, finding the beautiful threads of your dreams and honouring your soul’s knowing as you learn new ways to weave these dreams into the reality of your life, now.

Whether these are long-held desires or new ideas and visions that are just beginning to form,

Let your dreams inspire you.

The DREAM WEAVER journey includes:

  • 4 x weekly 90 minute group calls held online via zoom

  • A telegram group thread to access resources, and share your journey if you wish

  • A weekly Dream Weaver PDF Journal and Planner to take your Dream Weaving into 2025 and beyond…

You don’t have to wait until you have the perfect conditions, you can begin weaving the essence of your dreams into your life now.

Each week I will guide you to reconnect with your desires, move through your past conditioning and limiting beliefs, learn supportive practices and begin weaving these dreams into the fabric of your life.

These 90 minute calls are interactive with me taking the group through various processes, guided meditations and reflective journalling, designed to support you to shift into a new way of experiencing your dreams, your visions, your passions and desires being fulfilled…

Here’s a very brief outline for the calls:

Week 1:​ Clarifying your intentions for the journey, what you desire for your life and why.

Week 2:​ Understanding self sabotage and having compassion for yourself on your journey, as you learn to overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviours.

Week 3:​ Discovering practical and magical ways for you to weave your dreams into your day to day life, and begin creating pathways for your dreams to become reality.

Week 4:​ Celebrating a new level of self-belief and devotion to your dreams, and recalibrating to become the Dream Weaver in your life.


If you feel inspired to go deeper with me on your Dream Weaving journey, the GOLDEN DREAM WEAVER package includes 4 x 1:1 emotional & energetic clearing sessions, in addition to the group sessions.

These potent individual sessions will reveal unconscious patterns and release emotional attachment to the behaviours, beliefs and thoughts that are stopping you from accessing the inspiration and joy to be found in fulfilling your life’s dreams.  

Feel like you don’t have time to invest in your dreams?

Even if right now you’re working in a job you don’t love, or have family commitments, or young children and you feel like you don’t have time for any more in your life…

You know when you’re doing something you love, with purpose and a clear vision, it’s as if time slows down?

Well, when you begin to weave your dreams into your life in new ways, you begin to move differently with the elements in your world - the kids, the boss, the traffic - everything flows more harmoniously around you.

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