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Emotional Clearing.

Personal and powerful sessions to help you expand through challenges by unlocking subconscious emotional resistance.


In an emotional clearing session, you’ll be guided through one of the following processes:

  • Uplift - raising your energetic vibration

  • Clarify - bringing balance to your chakras

  • Relationship Reset - bring harmony to a specific relationship dynamic

  • Root clear - get to the root of a specific issue or complaint by clearing your earliest related emotional imprints

  • Wealth clear - expand your energetic capacity to receive greater wealth and abundance

  • Manifest - clearing any blocks to manifesting your vision (available in Alchemy and Spiral only)

You can read more below about each process however it is not necessary for you to decide ahead of a session what process we will go through - and sometimes it is better to have fewer expectations!

It is through sharing with me about your current challenges that I detect the themes or patterns in your words, and then extract the key pieces that we then use with a clearing process to unlock (and unblock) the path forward for you.


Energetically rise and shine

Together, we will access subconscious blockages keeping you in states of low energy or low motivation, actively releasing trapped emotions so you can move into a more energised and harmonious state of being.

Using the Scale of Consciousness to guide the process, I will tune into your energetic field, locate your current energetic resonance, and map the emotions that are blocking you. We then use corresponding points on the body, and together release stagnant emotion through breath, sound and/or movement. 

You'll leave the session feeling lighter, clearer and open, feeling more peaceful and accepting of yourself and your environment. 


Find BALANCE in this 1:1 online session

Chakras are energy centres within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. 

Seven chakras are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. In this session we will be accessing and clearing emotional blocks at each chakra as we move up from the root chakra to the crown.

If you’re feeling generally unbalanced or like your energy is ‘off’ this session will help to bring a sense of balance and clarity. 

It can be helpful to focus on a specific area of your life, or a particular relationship that is feeling out of alignment, clearing the chakras of energy associated with that situation or person. 

After this session you'll feel clearer and more balanced energetically, with insights and integration activities to take away with you. 


Find harmony in your relationships

In this session we will focus on a specific relationship that is causing issues for you - whether it is a romantic, family or work relationship.

We will focus on your energetic field and your perceptions that are active in the relationship dynamic, clearing any emotional blocks and energies that may be contributing to the disharmony you feel.

After this session, you’ll notice the way you interact with this person changes, not only because you are able to act differently but because the energy has shifted between you creating an undeniably positive improvement in your experience of the relationship dynamic.


Get to the emotional root of a problem

Is there a particular energy running through your life right now? Feelings like vulnerability, anxiety, jealousy, or insecurity? What if we could get to the heart of this emotion? Clear the emotional patterns that imprinted at an early age? Can you imagine how seeing and understanding how this pattern has played out would support you?

After Root Clearing this emotion, you also feel energetically released from the patterns, so they no longer have the same pull or power over you.

A Root Clear can also be applied to concepts, like time, space, death, boundaries, abandonment, betrayal or to experiences like orgasm, intimacy, performance, socialising, exercising, etc.


Become an energetic match for the wealth you desire

If you’re DOING all the ‘right’ things, and can’t work out why your business is not growing in earnings…

If you KNOW how to increase your wealth, but old patterns or behaviours seem to sabotage your efforts…

If you’ve had a rapid increase in your wealth but now fear you can’t hold it, feel you don’t deserve it, or find your money slipping through your fingers…

A wealth clearing session will uncover the subconscious drivers that are keeping you trapped at a certain level of wealth. By clearing these limiting emotional patterns and beliefs, you expand your capacity to experience wealth and prosperity in all forms.


Focus on a desire that you are ready to MANIFEST.

This powerful process is available as part of the Alchemy or the Nurture package.

As we work through the elements that are going to bring this into your reality, the purpose, vision, your openness to receive and willpower to make it happen, we also remove any emotional blocks that are holding you back from being, doing and having what you desire.  

Whether it is a project you want to bring to life, a relationship, or a way of being, we release subconscious limiting beliefs and emotional patterns, clearing the path for you to realise your success in wealth creation, business, creative projects, career or relationships.